Rick Roberts | CFO

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Rick Roberts


Rick’s list of qualifications is as long as it is impressive. On top of spending years in the construction industry getting his hands dirty with framing and roofing, he most recently served a ten-year stint as the CFO for Habitat for Humanity. Rick decided to join the Collier Construction team based on Ethan’s reputation of integrity and leadership.

“I know enough about Ethan to know that he is not in this for the dollar. It’s the minutia. Ethan is constantly looking ahead in the consumer’s life. Way down the line they will be glad they went with a Collier home. He’s made a company centered around anticipating the needs of the customer 10 years from now.”

Experience in the field and knowing the language of the industry are only part of Rick’s success as a financial officer. Being a father of 8, has allowed him to bring an invaluable trait of flexibility to Collier Construction.

“You got be flexible with a family like mine… I am accustomed to different people from all different parts of an organization needing things from me simultaneously. I’ve got to be able to able to shift gears at any moment to deal with a staff issue, POS systems, construction departments, you name it. It’s about understanding and meeting the needs of your team (or family).”

Looking forward, Rick’s major goal is to bring Collier’s concept of “thoughtful living” to the realm of accounting. If Collier Construction’s building endeavors are a delicate balance between awareness of present needs and a responsible understanding of the future, then Rick plans to operate their finances in a similarly thoughtful method.


Daniel Rakes | Project Estimator